Friday, January 2, 2009

A new blog starts...

Hi, my name is Hassan El-Saabi and I am a senior software developer. I have specialized myself on the .net and sql server.

In life you always learn things that might be useful for yourself and others, things that you wished that you wrote down and collected somewhere. So that you could reuse that information later when you are in need of it.

The problem normally is that you either don't remember the information or have forgotten where you wrote it. In this blog I will try to bring up topics I find useful, tips & tricks and things that you might get stuck with spending hours to solve. For the moment I don't really know the exact topic range that I will discuss. It might be all from hacking a website to baking a cake :) , anyway I hope that you will have fun and benefit from reading my blog. Welcome!

Kind Regards
Hassan El-Saabi

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